How to make your PC run fast.

It’s common for your PC to become slow after using it for some time. After the installation of applications and downloading files, you are likely to see basic functions slowing down. While some of these occurrences are part of the natural life cycle of the computer, others can be prevented.
PC Optimizer Pro
This article looks at what slows down your device and the critical changes you can make to keep your PC fast. Read through our checklist on how you can speed up your device regardless of the stage in its life cycle.
What causes your PC to slow down?

Your PC may slow down due to one of the following reasons:

  • When it runs out of random access memory (RAM),
  • Shortage of disk space
  • Many programs are running in the background.
  • Too many start-up programs will slow down your device.
  • Failure to update Windows and the drivers
  • Malware and viruses
  • Registry errors
10 Tips to Make Your Computer Run Faster

We know how frustrating it's when your device slows down. We are here with simple solutions you can follow and enjoy working without interruptions. Here are our simple tips to make your laptop lightning fast.

  1. Prevent many programs from running when your computer boots up.
Too many programs running in the background will slow down your PC. Ensure that only important programs are running when you power up your device. You can do this by using a PC optimizer. Download a PC optimizer with a start-up program manager to ensure only essential programs are running when you start your device.

Look out for a basic or free PC optimizer such as PC Optimizer Pro and clean up your start-up using it.

  1. Delete or uninstall unwanted programs.
Remove programs that are not in use. Make sure you delete related files. The best way to uninstall such programs is by using an optimizer. An optimizer analyses the system and removes any program or applications not been in use for a while.

The optimizer will also remove any files that relate to the uninstalled programs.

  1. Clean and repair your disk.
Each time you use or boot up your PC, it generates a lot of temporary files. Temporary files such as browser history, cookies, and caches eventually take up a lot of disk space. It’s important that you clean your disk often to ensure it works optimally.

An optimizer will ensure your disk is repaired and the temporary files are removed automatically. The disk clean-up feature will free up disk space and keep your PC running smoothly.

  1. Install an anti-virus and anti-malware application.
Your PC will become slow if it has to manage bugs and viruses. It’s therefore important that you install an antivirus and anti malware program. Alternatively, invest in a gatekeeper in the form of an Optimizer.

The PC optimizer will protect your PC from viruses and malware by removing foreign files and folders. Keep your PC free from bugs and viruses, and you will enjoy using it.

  1. Make sure your device has enough RAM.
Your PC's RAM requires enough RAM to run programs. The more programs, the more RAM they will need. If your device requires more RAM, make sure to add it. Alternatively, make sure that you clean your RAM often to ensure there is enough space for operating.

It's best to invest in an optimizer that will keep your device clean automatically. The good thing is that free PC optimizers are available, and they are effective.

  1. Keep your operating system and drivers up-to-date.

PC updates will fix glitches and get rid of bugs. You can update your device manually by checking whether there are updates that are due or using a PC optimizer that will automatically update your device.

  1. Disk defragmentation to improve efficiency

Defragmentation organizes your data and frees up space. It reduces the number of resources your computer requires when searching for a file or folder.

  1. Change the power plan.

There are three power plans that are in use by most PCs. The balanced, energy-efficient, and high-performance. To keep your device performing optimally, use the high-performance power plan. It will increase the speed of your device. It's important to note that high performance on laptops drains the battery.

  1. Save your files, photos, and videos in the cloud.
Saving your documents in the cloud will free up disk space. It's also a nice way to back them up. Ensure that you connect your device to cloud storage to save your files securely.


  1. Use the activity resource monitor to check for issues.
The resource monitor will show which programs are using up most of the CPU resources. Programs that are using too many resources are likely to be the reason your device is slow. Quit any programs taking up too much of the CPU resources.

 Other simple tips to follow to enhance the speed of your PC

  • Unused tabs should be closed.
  • Delete and remove large files.
  • Organize desktop icons or, better yet, minimize the number of desktop icons.
  • Keep the software and drivers on your PC updated.
  • Check to see whether the RAM in your device is enough. Install more RAM.
  • Turn off search indexing as it takes up a lot of PC resources.
  • Turn off tips and notifications as they reduce the processing power of the Windows operating system.
The simple tips above will keep your device operating at high speed and performing optimally. You don't have to invest in another PC, follow the above tips to the latter and your device will be as good as new.
You should ensure your device has an optimizer that keeps out malware, fixes PC errors, and optimizes it for best performance. You can start with a free optimizer such as PC optimizer pro that has essential features to keep your device enhanced throughout. Download it and see how much better your device works.