Best Website to learn About Art

Art is not just a hobby but a skill people learn to earn money and fame. Several artists in the world make tremendous money by showing their creativity to the world.

The first was Pablo Picasso who is considered the most influential artist of all time. He created a lot of famous paintings and drawings that were sold for millions at an auction in 2015.

The second was Vincent Van Gogh who had a lot of struggles before he became famous and sold his paintings for millions. He painted many different types of art in the world, such as landscapes, still-life paintings, portraits, and self-portraits.

The third is Andy Warhol who died in 1987 but continues to be influential with his pop art which uses commercial images from popular cultures like films or television shows to create original works that are often screenprints on canvas or silkscreen prints on aluminum foil.

In this blog, we will discuss the websites to learn the art.

Website to learn the art

1. Youtube- A good way to learn about art is by watching videos online, whether it be of artists at work or tutorials on different aspects of the art world. This is a website that offers information on art and artists such as history, techniques, and more.

3. This is a website that provides information about art schools in the world and the courses they offer

4. This is a website that offers different kinds of art supplies for artists to purchase and has an online store where they can order their items with free shipping for artists to find inspiration from all over the world by providing information on exhibitions, awards, and biographies of famous artists such as Picasso or Van Gogh.

5. is a website that provides information about art materials for artists to purchase and has an online store where they can order their items with free shipping for artists.

6. GoSocial - You can use GoSocial to attend art workshops and challenges. It also provides an opportunity to join art communities of expert creators and other members looking to learn the skill.

Becoming a professional artist

There are many schools in the world that offer programs that can help you achieve your dreams of becoming a professional artist. 

Some of these programs include:

• Art Academy of Cincinnati-an accredited school with a diverse program including various areas of art like digital arts, illustration, printmaking, and more.

• The Savannah College of Art and Design - offers degrees in fine arts as well as design and technology.

• Parsons School for Design - offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs that focus on fashion design, visual communication, and product design. 

Which one is better: online or offline learning method for art? 

The online learning method is the best option for people who are busy with their work and can't take a break to attend any classes. 

Offline learning is better for people who are living in remote areas where there aren't many opportunities to learn from an online course.

How can I start learning about art at home?

There are many ways to learn about art at home, such as:

• Read a book on art history.

• Watch a documentary on the artist or artwork you are interested in.

• Take an online course or attend an art workshop.

• Attend an exhibition at your local museum.

How can I learn art on my own?

There are many ways to learn art on your own.

One way is to enroll in a course or take an online class at an art school. Another option is to find an artist who can teach you their skills and give you feedback.

What should I learn first in art?

Learning how to draw and paint is one of the most fundamental skills you can learn in art.

You can start by watching tutorials on YouTube or enrolling in a local art class that will teach you the basics of drawing and painting.


It is a great idea to learn about art and the best way to do so is through a class or workshop. You can find an art class in your area or learn online. If you are not able to attend one, there are many websites that will teach you about different types of art and where you can purchase some of the works for yourself.